The next Adult Inquirers’ Class will begin Sunday, January 27, 2013. This 16-week course meets Sunday from 4-6 p.m. in the Church basement. If you are uncertain, you are invited to attend the first few lessons to see if the course is right for you. This course is designed to provide answers to basic questions about the Christian faith. In it we study the nature of God, the person of Jesus, sin, salvation, suffering, death, prayer, baptism and much more.
Participants are given an NIV Bible and a workbook (“Above All Else”), at no cost. Also, no memory work is required and you will not be asked to read or answer questions.
Each session is 2-hours long. Refreshments are served at 5 o’clock. Babysitting services are provided in Center Hall.
The course is open to anyone. Over 1,855 people have taken this course. You will be richly blessed through it.
For more information, contact the Church office by calling 913-367-2837, or by email through the ‘Contact Us’ link in the main menu.