The speaker at our March 6 Lenten Service will be Mr. Bob Mendelsohn from “Jews for Jesus“. Mr. Mendelsohn will present “Christ In The Passover”. The service begins at 7 p.m. Children in grades 5-8 will sing. A door offering for “Jews for Jesus” will be taken at the end of the service. Before the service, please join us for supper in the church basement from 5-6:30 p.m. The menu: potato bar with chili, broccoli and cheese sauce, beef taco, chicken and noodles, kaut/brauts toppings, plus desserts and drinks. This week’s supper is sponsored by the Adult Choir and Music Ministry.
Christ in the Passover
Jesus’ Last Supper was actually a Jewish Passover. As part of his presentation, Mr. Mendelsohn will re-create the traditional Passover service and explain how it foreshadowed Jesus’ death and resurrection. Mr. Mendelsohn will set a table with items traditionally used at the Passover meal and detail their spiritual significance. He will also explain the connection between the events of the first Passover in Egypt and the redemption that Jesus accomplished, as well as the deep bond between the ancient Passover feast and the Christian Communion celebration today.