We invite all to our annual Lenten pilgrimage. We will have a worship service each Wednesday until Easter and services on Maudy Thursday and Good Friday. All Wednesday services begin at 7 p.m.
- Feb. 18, “The Pardoning Word” Luke 23.34
- Feb. 25, “The Promising Word” Luke 23:43
- March 4, “The Faithful Word” Matthew 27:46
- March 11, “The Compassionate Word” John 19:26-27
- March 18, “The Suffering Word” John 19:28
- March 25, “The Dying Word” Luke 23:41
Maundy Thursday
- April 2, “The Remembering Word” Luke 22:19-20 (Holy Communion)
Good Friday
- April 3, “The Fulfilled Word” John 19:30
- April 3, 10 p.m.